May 6, 2024 For more information, contact Kevin Beckstrom 503-986-3430 SALEM — The Oregon Transportation Commission will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, May 9, at 9 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time (8 a.m. PDT). The meeting will be hybrid, originating in the Owyhee River Room of the Four Rivers Cultural Center, 676 SW 5th Avenue, Ontario.Items on the agenda include: Project Delivery Program Update: Receive an update on improvement efforts in ODOT’s project delivery program. Urban Mobility Strategy Finance Plan: Provide direction on options to close the funding gap for the Urban Mobility Strategy, particularly for the I-205 Abernethy Bridge Project. Southeast Area Commission on Transportation Update: Receive a presentation on the SEACT’s 2023-2025 Work Plan. 2024-2026 STIP Rebalance: Approve the recommendation to adjust projects in the 2024-2027 STIP to align with forecasted annual federal and state funds. Informational Updates: Receive informational updates on DMV, Public Transportation, and safety.Meeting materials are available on the OTC Website. How to watch or listen to the meeting View the meeting via YouTube Livestream: www.youtube.com/c/OregonDOT (closed captioning provided). How to provide public commentSubmit written comment in advance of the meeting and sign up for public comment, either in-person or virtual. Sign up to provide comments by completing the comment form on our website at www.oregon.gov/odot/Get-involved/Pages/OTC_Main.aspx. Please sign up by noon on Tuesday, May 7. Please note participation will be limited to one representative per organization. Commenters (and organizations) who are providing public comment to the OTC for the first time will be given priority for the limited available testimony spots.To submit written comments electronically, please use the submission form on the OTC website by noon on Tuesday, May 7, to guarantee inclusion in the meeting packet. Comments not included in the meeting packet will be shared with commissioners after the meeting.Email written comments to OTCAdmin@odot.oregon.govMail comments to Oregon Transportation Commission, ATTN: Commission Assistant, 355 Capitol Street NE, MS11, Salem OR 97301.In conjunction with the commission meeting, on Wednesday, May 8, commissioners will join ODOT staff for a tour of project locations in the area. The tour will begin at 2:30 p.m. MDT.There will be a dinner Wednesday evening at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Ontario from at 6 -7:30 p.m. with ODOT leadership and members of the OTC. There is no agenda for the dinner and no formal business will be discussed.To request an accommodationMeetings of the Oregon Transportation Commission are open to the public. Accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities, and alternate formats of printed material are available upon request. Please contact OTC support at 503-798-3972 (or statewide relay 711) or OTCAdmin@odot.oregon.gov at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations. Closed captioning is included on the YouTube livestream.# # # |
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