CAT FAQ updated with SB 164 changes

Oregon Department of Revenue – Via Email Answers to the frequently asked questions on the Corporate Activity Tax page on the Department of Revenue website have been updated to reflect changes made in Senate Bill 164 in the 2021 legislative session. The updates include explanation of due dates for estimated payments and returns for fiscal-year filers, and new information about penalties…

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Some of you might have noticed that Facebook has changed its policies, and features for Marketplace. This means that dealers have lost the ability to simply link your website vendor, or inventory vendor to Marketplace and have your inventory show up. On September 13th this changed. Facebook changed its systems to make it impossible to do this, and a…

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MSNBC: Cars on American roads keep getting older

The following article takes a look at why vehicles on American roads keep getting older, this is good information to look at, and understand and our team has decided that we wanted to share it with you so that you can understand, and get the information. The story link is below.

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OVDA is changing how Dealer Solutions content will be delivered to our members. Instead of collecting important information and publishing it every three months in a quarterly online magazine (which means some of the information is three months old by the time you receive it), we will be updating our website as information becomes available. So check back here frequently for…

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